Category: Wellness
Easy Way To Ground Yourself
Food Combinations
AYURVEDIC FOOD COMBINING Ayurveda, or “science of life,” is an ancient healing system that supports health through balancing energies. Foods, activities, seasons, and even times throughout the day all have different energies. When energy is balanced, it supports health, but an imbalance of energy can lead to illness. Ayurvedic food…
Oil Pulling
Butternut Squash Soup
Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutation
Autumn Holistic Detox
Immunity Boosting Ginger Pickle
Easy Way To Ground Yourself
Food Combinations

AYURVEDIC FOOD COMBINING Ayurveda, or “science of life,” is an ancient healing system that supports health through balancing energies. Foods, activities, seasons, and even times throughout the day all have different energies. When energy is balanced, it supports health, but an imbalance of energy can lead to illness. Ayurvedic food…