Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar, or ‘Sun Salutation’ is often called  ‘The Ultimate Asana’. It includes a series of 12 yoga poses and is a scientifically proven yoga routine which offers a lot of health benefits. It is a great way to stretch your body and get some good exercise. Especially helpful when you are doing a gentle detox. Some of the main benefits are:

  • Healthy lower and upper Body
  • Strengthens the joints and muscles
  • Aids digestive system
  • Maintains blood sugar levels
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Great for mental well being
  • Great way to detox
  • Add a natural glow to your skin
  • Helps to lose weight

Please refer to the flowchart below for the entire sequence of surya namaskar. Always remember to listen to your body and stretch / bend as much as you are comfortable. If you have back issues or body pain, please check with your doctor before trying these stretches. Make sure you are doing an even number if counting individually, so that both legs get to exercise . So you can do 2, 4, 6, 8 – two stretches will make one set.

Sun salutation (with breathing cues) The little guy looks ridic | Yoga sun  salutation, Yoga postures, Hatha yoga

This blog is a part of an upcoming ‘Holistic Autumn Detox’.

If you have any questions, please share in the comments below.

Want to learn more about a holistic detox ? Read here.

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