Mexican food is probably the only other cuisine (first being the Indian ) which I can have meal after meal. The reason seems to be simple: It is as flavorful as Indian food . Ever since I moved to USA, I have been yearning to cook authentic Mexican.
Just last week only I was given an opportunity to learn more about Mexican food and culture first hand from a home style cook. Priscila Cepeda, one of my IWC friends, was more than happy to give up the apron and share some of her tips & techniques for Mexican cooking. She was very patient with all of us and a very good teacher.

I learned about traditional seasonings in Mexican food. Along with that I found some spices that are common to Indian cuisine such as cilantro, cumin, garlic & dried red chilies. And I was not surprised by the way these were used. It’s amazing to see how same spices & similarity in their usage can yield different flavors!
So here’s the list of all the dishes we learnt that morning:
· Pinto Beans
· Mexican Rice
· Chili Relleno
· Guacamole
· Tomato Sauce
· Hibiscus Tacos
· Chili Nogada ( The only Non vegetarian dish, but I’ve a good replacement for meat here )

Recipes coming soon .
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Hi I'm John from It is a site in which users vote recipes<br />from 1 to 10.<br /><br />There is a ranking of the best recipes and a profile with your recipes ordered. Each recipe has a link to the blog that belongs recipe. This way you will get traffic to your blog<br /><br />It's easy, fast and fun. The best Photo recipes will be stay here<br /><br />I invite you to enter
I know but my friend Priscila kept everything ready so that we could just start with the recipes. Will plan the recipes very soon.
That's a lot of Mexican dishes to learn in a day ! Hope you plan to post them on this blog soon..I am waiting for Chilli Relleno